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Where is Camp Mohawk?We are located in northwest Connecticut, approximately two hours from New York City, one and a half hours from White Plains, one hour and 15 minutes from Wilton, Westport and Springfield and one hour from Hartford. The nearest city is Torrington.
What facilities are available?Camp Mohawk has 24 camper cabins, a barn, stables, tennis courts, basketball and volleyball courts, sports field, archery range, health center, ceramics studio, nature center, crafts center, bake shop, recreation hall with stage, dining hall, waterfront, darkroom, garden, overnight campsites, hiking trails and numerous support buildings.
Where do Mohawk campers come from?Connecticut (primarily Litchfield and Fairfield Counties), New York (primarily Westchester, Nassau, Suffolk Counties, and New York City), and several other states and countries.
What is the size of the camp?We currently average around 200 campers per session.
What is the religious composition of the camp?Campers at Mohawk reflect a variety of faiths, and backgrounds. Our program is non-denominational and open to all.
What is the counselor to camper ratio?The overall ratio is 1 counselor to 4 campers. The cabin ratios are: 1:4 in cabins with campers age 7 to 9 1:5 in cabins with campers ages 10 to 13 1:7 in cabins with campers ages 14 to 15
Where do your counselors come from?A number of our counselors come up through the ranks as Mohawk campers, counselors-in-training, junior counselor, and then counselor. Other counselors are recruited from colleges throughout the United States and from other English speaking countries. Counselors are selected based on experience with children, maturity, leadership skills, sense of humor, energy, creativity, particular skills, and their desire to be a role model for children. Cabin counselors are a minimum of 18 years old. Junior counselors are 17 years old.
Why is Mohawk for girls only?The Board of Trustees, the administration, campers' parents and the campers themselves all agree that the mission of YMCA Camp Mohawk is to provide rich and diverse group outdoor experiences for girls and young women in pursuit of developing character, leadership and values in accordance with traditional YMCA principles This is not to say that Mohawk presents a shelter for girls to "hide" from boys. More so, it is a place to discover personal strengths, become more confident, and develop an enhanced sense of self. Here at Camp Mohawk we strive to be a close knit family, where girls can gain the confidence to be themselves, and develop friendships that last a lifetime.
Does Camp Mohawk allow gratuities?We have a "no tipping" policy with our staff. Our counselors appreciate a sincere thank you for a job well done. Contributions may be made to our Counselor Appreciation Fund, which is used for funding special events for the counselors, such as a day at Lake Compounce. You may also make a donation to our financial assistance campaign, The Journey Forward, in the counselors name.
How do I know my daughter will be safe at Mohawk?Here at Camp Mohawk, we follow the direction of the American Camp Association (ACA), Praesidium, the YMCA/Y-USA, and the Office of Early Childhood (OEC) for the state of Connecticut. We are accredited by the ACA, as we are held to the highest standard of care and safety. The Connecticut Safe Sport Policy - Child Abuse Prevention lays out the policies we follow. Please review, and if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our office.
What is the first day of camp like?When you arrive at camp, you will park in the ball-field. There, you will find out what cabin your daughter is in, and your large luggage will be sent up to the cabin. Then, you and your daughter will set up her store account and check in with the nurse. If she is taking horseback riding lessons, there is a possibility she will take a riding test. Once she is settled, your daughter's counselor will take their cabin on a tour of camp. All campers will take a swim test on this day. After dinner, the entire camp will begin the process for activity sign-ups. Each camper will sign up for four activities for the week. Afterwards, the cabin will partake in a great cabin activity and get to know each other.
What are the sleeping arrangements?All campers stay in screened cabins with electricity. Your daughter will be in a cabin with 7-9 other girls, and two counselors. Our oldest campers have one counselor. The cabins have electricity – but leave the TV, radios, and laptops home.
What are the bathroom arrangements?Campers ages 7-9 are guaranteed to be in a cabin with toilet facilities (the Jawak unit). Campers in the Ute, Mohican, Oscadee, or Senior Units use a central toilet and shower facility just a short walk away from each unit. It is called the "Lighthouse" because the large lights on the outside are left on all night. All girls take showers at assigned times daily at the Lighthouse in private shower stalls.
Can my daughter be in the same cabin as her friend(s)?One of the best experiences of summer camp is making new friends! However, we do understand that it may be easier if they have someone familiar to share the experience with. Therefore, Camp Mohawk will do its best to fulfill a camper's bunkmate request if the following conditions are met: 1. Campers are placed in cabins according to age not grade. Therefore, all campers must be approximately the same age: less than 12 months apart. 2. We can only honor requests to be in a group of up to three girls, your daughter and up to two friends. All requests must be mutually agreed upon and all three girls must request the other two girls. You will receive an email once your daughter's request can be confirmed. 3. All bunkmate requests must be made in writing. They can be on the camper's registration, mailed, faxed, or emailed to 4. One-week campers are unable to share a bunk with a two-week camper, to avoid any disruptions within the cabin. However, they will have opportunities to take classes and spend their free time together. Campers should not come to camp expecting to be in a particular unit since the composition of each unit changes from year to year and session to session depending on enrollment and ages of campers.
When do we find out what cabin our daughter is in?Cabin assignments are done just before Check-In day. We will not be able to tell you which cabin or unit your daughter is in until you arrive at camp for Check-In.
Can parents visit during a session?There are no visiting days. Campers who are attending more than two weeks are free to visit with or leave the camp with parents during the changeover weekend. We strongly discourage parents and other visitors from interrupting their daughter's camp routine by "dropping in" during a session.
If my daughter stays for two sessions, what happens between sessions?Girls that are staying for longer than two weeks have several options. They can either go home all weekend, stay at camp all weekend, or be picked up for a few hours on Saturday or Sunday. They must be brought back to camp either day by 4:00pm. Campers that stay all weekend enjoy a quiet Saturday afternoon and then pizza and a movie in the evening. Sunday morning is a sleep-late morning with brunch served at 9:00am. There is a $118 Change-over fee to cover the costs of the weekend to be paid in advance at Check-in. (Change-over constitutes a camper staying overnight Saturday to Sunday) Campers staying over often help new campers get settled in and guide others on tours of camp.
How much should I deposit into my daughter's store account?That depends on how long your daughter is staying. Typically, $50 is adequate for a two-week stay. If your daughter is staying for longer than one session, you will need to add money for the cost of laundry (min of $10 + $1.00/lb over 10 lbs). Participants in the Senior Program should deposit $125 for Day Trips, or $150 for the Cape Cod program as described on the Senior Program page.
What is available at the camp store?Each day, your daughter may get a snack and a drink from the camp store. Only during Check-In and Check-Out is apparel available to purchase. If there is an item your daughter needs such as a toothbrush, shampoo, or other such item, we of course can provide it for them and deduct the cost from her store account. Stamps, envelopes and paper are available in the camp office should your daughter need them for letters.
What about laundry?Campers attending for just two weeks can pack for the entire session and can choose not to use laundry services. However, laundry services are available to any camper if necessary. Our younger campers are encouraged to utilize this service. Campers bring their laundry to the office on Monday morning and it is returned by Tuesday dinner. Laundry service is charged to your camper's store card at $1.05 per pound of laundry. Camp Mohawk cannot be held responsible for lost or damaged clothing.
My daughter is going to have her birthday at camp. Will anything special happen?At dinner, her counselor will present her with a birthday cake while the entire camp sings. Counselors will go out of their way to find ways to celebrate throughout the day, such as decorating the cabin, or making birthday cards.
Is there a uniform?No, there is no uniform required. Camp apparel is for sale during Check-In on Sunday and Check-Out on Saturday if you wish to purchase it.
How is the food?We are proud of the food that our kitchen staff serves. There is something available for everyone! Meals are served family style with each cabin eating together. Girls take turns setting the table, serving the food, and clearing the table. Our salad bar is available every lunch and dinner to supplement our offerings. A vegetarian option is available at lunch and dinner. Take a look at our sample menu.
What if my daughter has a food allergy or special diet?Every breakfast, lunch, and dinner we provide a main course, a vegetarian option, a gluten free option, a dairy free option, a salad bar and a sandwich station (sun-butter and jelly). Cereal is provided at breakfast. If you have any further questions or concerns in regards to your daughter's dietary needs, please call our office (860) 672-6655
What about discipline?Campers at Mohawk are expected to exhibit positive behavior, respect the rights of others, and treat all as she would like to be treated. Discipline is handled in a fair, consistent manner appropriate to the behavior. If a girl behaves in such a way that her actions are having a negative effect on others, this individual is dealt with by her counselor, Unit Leader, and Camp Director, often in consultation with the parent.
What is the day like during camp?Girls select four elective activities each week on Sunday evening. These activities are instructional in nature and are held for a period of approximately 55 minutes per class, Monday through Friday. Girls may change their elective activities each week. Afternoons include a short siesta after lunch, an elective period, cabin activity time, and a recreation period. During the recreation period ("optional rec"), girls can pursue any of the dozen activities (including swimming) offered daily and may switch activities at their leisure. Evenings are spent in a variety of activities either with the Cabin group, the Unit group, or the entire camp. Favorite evening activities include the Talent Show, a dance with a nearby boy's camp (only for girls 11 years old and older, regardless of cabin assignment), campfires, and camping out. Some activities require a two-week commitment. The drama program, which culminates in a production, and the ceramics program are both two-week programs. A number of activity classes have very limited enrollment and may be full by the time a camper's unit is called to sign up for classes. If this happens, a camper is encouraged to inform her counselor. It may be possible to arrange for a camper to get into the program the following week.
What is the Senior Program?The Senior Program is for campers who will be a minimum of 14 years old by the first day of the session. Read more about the senior program.
What kinds of activities are offered?There's so many activities to choose from at Mohawk! Here is list of the most popular: Waterfront: Canoeing, Instructional Swimming, Log Rolling, Kayaking, Fishing, Funyaking, Rowing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Stand up Paddleboarding Creative & Performing Arts: ASL, Arts & Crafts, Bake Shop, Basketry, Baton Twirling, Ceramics, Chorus, Creative Writing, Drama Production, Friendship Bracelets, Jewelry, Painting, Photography, Scrapbooking, Sewing & Design, Ukuleles Sports & Adventure: Archery, Badminton, Basketball, Cheerleading, Dance, Field Hockey, Nature, Outdoor Living, Ropes Course, Soccer, Tennis, Tumbling, Volleyball, Yoga Farm & Horseback: Farm, Riding Lessons (for an extra fee) and Stable Management
Will my daughter take a swim test?In order to provide a safe and appropriate aquatic experience for your child, each camper must participate in a swim test on check-in day. The testing procedure is as follows: 1. Review of waterfront rules. 2. Explanation of the buddy system. 3. Expectations regarding skin protection and the use of sunscreen. 4. Swim Test: Campers swim from shallow end docks to the ropes and back (approximately 25 yards) using freestyle and rotary breathing. If a camper has demonstrated the appropriate skills and stamina, she may take the Blue Test. Otherwise she is classified as a Red (beginner) swimmer. The Blue Test consists of 4 non-stop laps of our 25-yard swim area for a total of 100 yards. This must be swum using freestyle (face in water, rotary breathing) for two consecutive laps and breaststroke for the other two laps. If a camper has demonstrated the skills and stamina to proceed to the next level, she will be provided the opportunity to take the Green Test. The Green Test includes an additional 4 laps for a total of 8 non-stop laps of 200 yards (4 freestyle, 2 breaststroke and 2 laps of swimmer's choice). The Waterfront Director reserves the right to require additional testing, including swimming more laps, demonstrating competence swimming backstroke, treading water skills, and any other proficiency they feel is necessary to ascertain the ability and competency of the camper. Campers may request a retest during afternoon Optional Rec.
Which activities will my daughter be allowed to do at the waterfront?Our waterfront is located on the 25 acre Mohawk Pond. There is no other development on the pond. Our swimming area is divided into swimmer and non-swimmer areas. For their safety, girls are tested on the first day of camp and are assigned "Buddy Tags" that reflect their swimming ability. Recreational swims are lifeguarded by our certified waterfront staff daily. All recreational swims are conducted using the buddy system with a strict check-in and buddy check policy. Boating activities are available according to a girl's swimming level: - Rowing: All campers eligible (red, blue and green swimmers) - Canoeing: Intermediate Level (blue and green swimmers) - Funyaking: Intermediate Level (blue and green swimmers) - Sailing: Intermediate Level (blue and green swimmers) - Stand up Paddleboards: Intermediate Level (blue and green swimmers) - Kayaking: Advanced Level (green swimmer) - Windsurfing: Advanced Level (green swimmer and weigh over 100lbs)
Should I sign my daughter up for swim lessons?If you wish your daughter to take swim lessons, you can sign her up at no cost for instructional swim. This will take up one of her activity periods during the day. She can participate in Free Swim daily even if you do not sign her up for swim lessons.
What is the Farm Program like?Girls can sign up for Farm as one of their elective activities. During this time, they learn basic animal care and enjoy feeding, cleaning, and caring for the lambs, goats, chickens, and ducks. Girls who are not signed up for Farm can still enjoy the farm animals during Optional Rec in the afternoon.
What's involved in the horseback riding lessons?All campers are welcome to participate in our Riding Lessons, for an additional weekly fee. Riding Lessons begin with basic skills such as mounting, dismounting, and helping girls feel comfortable around the horses. Campers soon learn proper foot and hand positions, how to maintain balance in the saddle, and the basics of controlling a horse. Intermediate classes move on to posting trot, gymkhana games, and fieldwork. Advanced classes offer instruction designed for each individual rider's ability level including dressage, jumping and trail rides. The goal of our riding program is twofold. We want campers to be safe, and we want them to have fun as they ride. Horseback riding can be a lifelong form of exercise and enjoyment. We aim to introduce this sport in a way that will nurture a girl's interest in horses. Riding lessons are taught in the English Hunt Seat style. We provide riding helmets with safety straps. Boots are available if needed, but please bring a pair of boots or shoes with heels if you have them. This is important for proper foot placement in the stirrup. Please label all riding apparel. Our stable area consists of a barn specially designed for our riding and farm program, a paddock area, three riding rings, fieldwork area, and a small brook. Small group lessons are taught in riding rings with three instructors for each twelve students. Grooming and feeding of the horses are not required parts of our riding classes. However, those girls who wish to assist with these aspects of horse care are welcome to do so. They merely need to speak to the Riding Director to express their interest. The Director will schedule a time when the girls can work along side the riding staff as they care for the animals. Campers are also invited to become involved in animal care through our farm program, which includes sheep and fowl. Please be advised that horseback riding is an inherently dangerous activity with the possibility of falls and serious injury.
Are there any restrictions on the activities?Certain classes have an age restriction: Sewing, Photography, Ropes Course, Baton Twirling, Ukulele and Fishing require the camper to be 11 years or older. Drama Production and Ceramics are both two week courses. Campers that sign up for Windsurfing must weigh over 100lbs.
Can my daughter bring a cell phone?Cell phones are not allowed here at camp. We pride ourselves at providing our campers with a traditional camp experience away from technology. If you have a concern regarding this policy please feel free to call the office at (860) 672-6655.
Can I call my daughter? Can my daughter call me?Similar to our cell phone policy we do not allow campers to make phone calls to their parents. If there is an emergency and you would like talk to your child we can arrange that for you. You can always call and leave a message for your daughter's counselor, and they will be able to get back to you in order to give you updates on how your daughter is doing.
What is Camp Mohawk's telephone policy?The office is open from 7:00am to 10:00pm while camp is in session. The phone number is (860) 672-6655. We will be happy to discuss any questions or concerns you might have during your daughter's stay with us. Messages to your daughter's counselor will be given to her counselor at the next meal. Counselors will call back as soon as possible unless it is an emergency. After 10:00pm, please leave a voicemail and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
Can my daughter receive mail?By all means, write to your daughter while she is at camp! Include cheerful news but don't go into too much detail about how much you miss her. Remember to list your daughter's cabin number next to her name on the address. You will find out your daughter's cabin number when she arrives at camp, but feel free to address any early mail without it. Letters and Packages sent through the United States Postal Service: Camper's Name, Cabin (#) YMCA Camp Mohawk P.O. Box 1209 Litchfield, CT 06759 Packages sent through UPS or FedEx: 246 Great Hill Road Litchfield, CT 06759 It is important to use these addresses as noted. Mail sent to the incorrect address will take much longer to arrive. Please also do not send ANY mail to the "246 Great Hill Road" address, unless it is a package mailed through UPS or FedEx Counselors encourage girls to write home at least once a week. You can help by packing self-addressed, stamped envelopes with paper inside. Postage and envelopes are available if your daughter needs them—the cost will be applied to her store account.
Can I send my daughter a care package?Of course you can! However, we ask that you do not send your daughter any food products within that package. We have a strict no food policy within the cabins because it attracts animals, and we also want to be mindful of those who have allergies. Packages sent through UPS of FedEx must be sent to our physical address: 246 Great Hill Road Litchfield, CT 06759 Please address any mail or packages sent through the United States Postal Service to: Camper's Name, Cabin (#) YMCA Camp Mohawk P.O. Box 1209 Litchfield, CT 06759
When does my daughter receive her mail?Once a day: right after dinner. Mail, packages, faxes and emails are collected by the counselor and given to the campers at that time.
Can I email my daughter at camp?Yes, through a service called CampInTouch. Through your online account, you can pay to send a one-way email to your camper. Emails are delivered to the camp daily, printed, and placed in your daughter's cabin mailbox for her to receive at mail call after dinner. Any emails sent after 4:30pm will be delivered the next day. Use your Camp InTouch account and the Online Community section. Here you can email your daughter, view daily pictures, and read the daily update. Please do not send your child emails to the camp email address.
What if my daughter has an EpiPen or an inhaler?Both EpiPens and inhalers need to arrive at camp in their original box, with the Medication Authorization filled out by your physician. If you would like your daughter to keep the EpiPen or inhaler with her at all times, your physician must indicate this on the Medication Authorization by checking off "Self-Administered." We encourage you to send as many EpiPens as possible so we can disperse them throughout the camp. We keep EpiPens in our Health Center for campers who did not know they were allergic, or to be used as a second shot if necessary.
What if my daughter has allergies?We take allergies very seriously at Camp Mohawk, and have many protocols in place to ensure that your daughter has a safe experience while at camp. Please call the camp office at 860-672-6655 to discuss your daughter's allergies with a director.
Why do you require information about my health insurance carrier?We do not carry camper health and accident insurance since the overwhelming majority of our campers are covered by a parent's policy. Should your child require medical treatment by a doctor, we will make the necessary arrangements and implement follow-up care in our health center as necessary. Any expenses incurred (physician, hospital, lab, prescriptions, etc.) are the responsibility of the parents or guardians. Our physicians, the Litchfield County Pediatrics group, require payment at time of service, so Camp Mohawk pays the charges and will then bill the parent. In some instances, the health care provider can save the parent time if the health insurance information is available at the time of service. In the event that Camp Mohawk needs to pay for a camper's health related needs, the parent will be sent a copy of the invoice as soon as possible and reimbursement must be made to Camp Mohawk by Check-Out.
Is a nurse on duty 24 hours a day?Yes. Our Camp Nurse lives at camp in our well-equipped Health Center. At Check-In many parents will meet the Camp Nurse for your brief medical check-in.
Will I be notified if my daughter is sick?Anytime a girl needs to spend the night in the Health Center, or needs to be seen by the camp physician or it is the opinion of the Camp Nurse that it is in the best interest of the child, we will make every effort to contact the parent.
My daughter has just begun having her period. What if she has her period while at camp?Mohawk counselors are prepared to help your daughter deal with her period if it occurs while at camp. You can help by sending appropriate sanitary protection when packing for camp. Mohawk can provide the appropriate supplies if need be. Since menstruation can begin between the ages of 10 and 16, it is appropriate for you to speak with your daughter about this natural occurrence even if she has not had her first period. Our nurse is always available to assist the counselors and campers. Parents will be notified if a camper has her first period while at camp.
What if my daughter is homesick?It is not unusual for even the veteran camper to feel homesick the first few days away from their family. It is a normal healthy response that can be just as painful as a stomach ache. Parents of younger and first time campers should expect it. Please remember that overcoming homesickness is an important part of growing up and is something your child may need to experience and see through to the finish if she is to attain the degree of independence which is necessary to make her a self-reliant, mature individual. Parents can help by emphasizing the wonderful camp experience your daughter will have at Mohawk. We strongly discourage parents from telling your camper that she can come home after a few days if she is homesick. This actually encourages homesickness and often makes the child unhappy. It also is more difficult to try and help the child make it through if she knows she can go home. Parents should understand that the initial letters you receive might express strong homesick feelings. Please don't be alarmed. What was a crisis on day two may have been forgotten by day four. Write a reassuring letter back urging them to stick with it and have a great time. We treat our homesick campers with sensitivity, reassurance, and special attention. If a situation requires further attention, the Unit Leader is called to help and if necessary the nurse is called in for some TLC. We frequently speak with parents regarding their child's homesickness. If you would like more information on preventing homesickness, please contact us.
Is a medical exam required to attend camp?The State of Connecticut Department of Health requires that a camper have an examination by a physician prior to attendance. Your child's health examination must be within two years of her date of attendance.
What if my daughter takes medications?A Medication Authorization must be filled out by your doctor for any medications your daughter brings to camp (both Over the Counter and prescription), even vitamins. This is in accordance with the Connecticut State Department of Health regulations. All medications must arrive at camp in their original box, be given to the Camp Nurse at Check-in, and will be kept in the Health Center. In some instances, both the nurse and the parent must count out the actual number of pills at the time of Check-in and Check-out. Medications are administered after each meal and before bedtime as called for by the physician's orders.
Do I need to send sheets or just a sleeping bag?Send twin sized sheets, blankets, pillow, and a sleeping bag if you have one. It will reinforce what you do at home to require the girls to make their bed daily. Sleeping in sheets is also more comfortable and makes bedtime a bit more like home. A sleeping bag is great for extra warmth on cool nights and is also necessary if your daughter elects to participate in the Outdoor Living program, which includes an overnight away from the cabin.
What do we send to camp and how do we pack it?Please check out our packing list to prepare for camp. We recommend packing as much as possible into a standard army/navy trunk or a large hard plastic container. These make it easier to access belongings and are easy to store at the end of the bed. Do not bring plastic or cardboard drawer units.
What electronics are allowed at camp?Cell phones, tablets (including iPads), and laptops are not allowed. Campers are able to bring their Kindles or eReaders, as long as the content is downloaded ahead of time. Mp3 Players (such as iPods) are allowed as long as they do not have any video content stored on them. The use of the allowed devices is limited to certain times. There are a limited number of electrical outlets in the cabins, and campers should not expect to charge their devices often. Camp Mohawk cannot be held responsible for lost or damaged electronics.
When are check-in and check-out times?Check-in is between 1:30 and 3:30 pm on the Sunday that your session begins. Sessions 1B and 4B check-in time will be from 2:00pm to 3:00pm. Families will be emailed an assigned arrival time the week prior to check-in. This will stagger campers' arrivals to make it a more seamless process for you. The camp security gate will be closed until Check-In begins. Check-out is between 9:00am and 10:30 am on the Saturday your session ends. Session 1A and 4A check-out time will be from 9:30am to 10:30am
Can we bring our dog to camp on Check-In and Check-Out days?No. There are no dogs allowed at camp.
I am unable to personally pick up my daughter at Check-Out. Do I need to make any special arrangements for another person to pick her up?Yes. If someone other than a custodial parent is picking up a camper, we must have written permission from the parents. This can be done when you are making your store deposit during Check-In. You may also email ( permission for someone else to pick her up. In both cases, the person picking up your daughter will need to show identification.
How do I get to camp?Full instructions and a map can be found on the Directions page.
How do spots become available on the waitlist?When a session is closed, spots only become available when another camper cancels.
What are the chances that my daughter will receive a spot?We cannot promise that a spot will become available for your daughter. We are only able to open up spots if another camper cancels. We generally have a small number of cancellations each summer.
When will I find out if my daughter receives a spot?If a spot becomes available for your daughter, we will contact you immediately via the contact information you have provided us with. Since spots become available by means of other campers' cancellations, this could be at any time.
Can I register for another session?You are welcome to register for another session and remain on the waitlist for your preferred session. If a spot opens up for your daughter in your preferred session, we can easily switch you. If registering for another session, keep in mind that a deposit is required, and the Refund Policy will apply.
What happens when a spot becomes available for my daughter?If a spot becomes available, we will contact you immediately. If we reach a voicemail we will leave a detailed message. You will have 24 hours from the time that we call you to decide if you would like to accept the spot. You must contact the office before the 24 hours are up and register with our office personnel. Payment for camp must be made in full before May 1st—or if you receive your spot after May 1st, it is due upon acceptance. We will send you confirmation via email that you are registered in that session.
Can I call and ask to check on my daughter's position on the waitlist?We assure you that we will contact you as soon as a spot is available for your daughter, so there is no need to contact us. If you would still like to check the status, please email us at
I have two daughters on the waitlist, what are the chances they will both get in?Spots become available one at a time, so we are unable to guarantee that both campers will be able to register together.
Will my daughter be able to be in the same cabin as her bunkmate request?The same bunkmate policy applies to waitlisted campers. If her bunkmate request is already registered for camp, and already has her two other mutual requests, we will be unable to accommodate another request. If her bunkmate request does not already have confirmed bunkmates and has requested your daughter, we will make every effort to accommodate her.
Will my daughter be able to take horseback riding lessons if she's given a spot off the waitlist?There is a limited amount of space in horseback riding lessons for each session. You may contact the office to check on the availability of riding lessons for your session.
Does my child need to speak English to attend Camp Mohawk?Your camper will need to speak English, but she does not have to speak it perfectly to have a successful experience. Being immersed in our English-speaking environment will help your camper refine her English skills, and our campers and staff are always willing and excited to help if a camper is having a problem understanding.
How will my child travel to camp?Please make plans for your camper’s flight to arrive at JFK International Airport on Check-In Day between 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM Eastern. For the return trip, please make plans for the flight to depart JFK International Airport on Check-Out Day between 12:30 PM and 2:30 PM Eastern. If you cannot find flights within these parameters, please contact the Camp Directors before booking your flights, and we will do our best to accommodate you. Please call us to discuss the fee for transportation. Please forward a copy of your camper’s full itinerary, including the return flight. If possible, also include a digital photo of your camper to help our staff recognize your daughter. Campers traveling by themselves may want to bring a cell phone and charger in order to keep in touch with you and the camp during their trip. If your camper is bringing a cell phone, please program the camp phone number 860-672-6655 in their phone, and send your camper’s cell phone number to camp along with her itinerary. We will collect the cell phone and charger once we arrive at camp, keep it in a secure location, and then make sure it is charged for her return trip.
How will my daughter communicate with our family while at camp?Because international mail can be slow, we will scan and e-mail your camper's letters instead of sending them in the mail. We will provide you with updates as to your daughter’s arrival at camp via phone, email or text (whichever you prefer). We also have a one-way email system that you can use to send your daughter emails. You can do so through your CampInTouch account. She will not be able to respond via email, but will receive the messages from you daily.
Where will my daughter store her passport?We will be happy to store your daughter’s passport, documents or cash in a secure location.
Does my daughter need medical documentation?Yes, every camper must submit the required health forms prior to their arrival at camp (they are due June 1st). Each camper must have a physical completed within 2 years of their arrival at camp. If your daughter takes medications (prescription or non-prescription), the Authorization for the Administration of Medication form must be filled out by your physician. All medications are to be given to the nurse upon arrival, and kept in the Health Center.
What else should I know about sending my daughter to Camp Mohawk?We have something called “Letter to My Counselor” which is found with the required forms. On this letter you can tell us about your daughter, including her proficiency in English, and what you hope she gains from her experience at Mohawk. Between each session we have a period called “Changeover.” There is a fee to stay overnight between sessions. Each camper has a Store Account here at Mohawk. The Store Account covers things like a daily snack and drink, stamps, laundry service and more. Please contact our Office at with any questions.
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