Camp Mohawk has two legacy funds that honor alumni who devoted themselves to Camp and its campers. We are pleased to announce the 2023 recipients of those funds:
Cindy Morse Leadership Development Fund

The Cindy Morse Leadership Development Fund helps provide support for our CIT Program by covering the salary of the CIT Director, as well as ongoing training for staff. The 2023 CIT Director was Ayanna McDaniels. Ayanna has been on staff for 6 years and recently graduated from University of Vermont. Prior to being the CIT Director Ayana has been a JC, Counselor and the Unit Leader of Seniors.
Arlene Foulds Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Arlene Foulds Memorial Scholarship Fund helps provide a scholarship to an outstanding staff member with financial need. Grace “Coach” Gallo is the recipient of the scholarship this year. She is currently a Senior majoring in Social Services at Eastern Connecticut State University. Grace was a Unit Leader for Mohicans this past year. She has just completed her 5th year on staff. She’s already committed to 2024.
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