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What was your biggest camp milestone?


Alumni Question of the Quarter: Winter 2023

One of Mohawk’s longstanding traditions is the candlelit Friendship Circle that closes every session.  Staff and campers gather in a large circle with their backs to the campfire, each holding a lit candle.  Everyone is asked to appreciate the small circle of light cast by their individual flames before being asked to (carefully!) turn inward to face one another. The collective candles of the group light up the beach and the faces of all the campers who have become our friends over the summer.  At the close of this ceremony, campers and staff are instructed to light their candles on New Year’s Eve and think about their Mohawk friends and experiences and to look forward to the summer ahead.  The holiday season is a wonderful time to reflect upon past memories and look forward to fresh starts and new adventures.  For the next edition, we want to hear about what makes Mohawk special to you.  Send us an e-mail at or leave a comment on the Question of the Quarter thread in the Camp Mohawk Alumni Association Facebook group.

Last quarter, we asked Alumni to tell us their biggest camp milestone.  Below are some of the responses we received on the Camp Mohawk Alumni Association Facebook page—come join the discussion!

What was your biggest camp milestone?

Robin Jones: Canoeing, boating and sailing… but most of all I learned grace…that undeserved favor…that simple thing/act that cannot be earned but freely given…that is Mohawk’s gift to me and everyone.

Kathryn Krase: Making fire. As a city kid, I was always envious of the campfire experience (and wanting s'mores, to be honest). My parents were not the "nature" types. As a JC, I was finally allowed to make campfires for the cabins that I covered on counselors’ nights off. You can still find me hanging around a Mohawk campfire, eating as many s'mores as possible. #nomarshmallowtowaste

Caroline Cianni: I was never the strongest swimmer, but through the years at Mohawk I ended up being able to swim across the pond and back. I still brag about it to this day to anyone who will listen.

Trevor Loucks Rosenthal: Well, the first boy I ever kissed was at a Hi-Rock dance🤪🤪

Laura Maturo: Back when Mohawk had a radio station, I tried my hand at the DJ thing. I continued doing radio DJ in college and loved public speaking ... All thanks to trying out the radio class at Mohawk on a whim!

Sarah Smith: I was afraid of the dark long past the age when most kids conquer that fear.  When I finally made it to Oscadees in my early teens, I decided it was time cultivate my bravery.  Any time I could, I would traverse camp solo and without a flashlight at night, including down the Oscadee path to the Lighthouse.  Years later when I was on staff, I would perform my Camp OD duties in the dark (still always carrying a giant flashlight in case of wildlife!).  I definitely conquered my fear and even now, I appreciate just how peaceful and beautiful Mohawk is at night. 


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