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Patrick Marchand

Patrick's CEO Corner

We are excited to share with you some updates about what has been happening at Camp Mohawk. We have been enjoying a wonderful winter season working as a team in our office located at the camp, which is a significant upgrade from our previous location in Torrington’s basement office, where we’ve been wintering for the past 32 years. Being at the camp allows us to take daily walks, monitor projects more closely, brainstorm more effectively, and breathe in the fresh air. We are thrilled that the Mohawk staff will now enjoy the camp all year round.

We are also nearing the end of a significant project of getting power lines underground. We have already installed the all-camp generator and security gate and are now moving forward with the final steps of the other improvements. Additionally, we are excited to announce that the planning for the Jawak Shower House has been approved by the board, state, and town, and we are currently getting quotes to start the building process.

We have experienced some changes in our full-time staff with Alison and Maggie leaving for different reasons, but both are staying within the camping industry. Maggie is enjoying working from home with her newborn, while Alison has accepted a job at YMCA Camp Hi-Rock, which is our old brother camp. We are thrilled for them and wish them all the best. Mikayla Hartman is now our Assistant Director and is just about running everything at the moment. Amy Copeland has joined our team as the new Senior Program Director, and we are still in search of a full-time Office Manager. Two former full-time employees, Jo Anderson and Liz Delton, have come back to help to cover so many of the crucial back office and marketing responsibilities. We’re lucky to have such amazing Alumni!

We are pleased to announce that our camp is already fully booked for summer 2023, with long waitlists for several sessions. This is only the second time in my memory that we have filled every possible bed. We are still looking for a few positions including a Unit Leader, Assistant Chef, Waterfront Director, a driver and an Office Assistant. If anyone is interested please contact Mikayla at We plan to fill these positions by the end of April.

We are looking forward to a summer without Covid restrictions, which will allow us to focus on being creative and providing the best possible experience for our campers. I look forward to seeing many of you this Labor Day Weekend at our Alumni weekend. It is always such a wonderful time to reconnect and reminisce.


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